Friday, October 20, 2006

NeoCounter, one week later

Last Friday, I added the NeoCounter which shows the country of origin of visitors to my blog. I am surprised to have had visitors from all over the world. I thought it would just be the friends and family mainly in Canada that I email who would have a look, but they aren't the visitors for the most part.
The only visitor that I begged to click on my blog so I could add a rare flag to the list was my friend Margaret who is teaching in Oman.
I am surprised to have had so many visitors from South America. Hopefully their English is much better than my non-existant Spanish & Portugese, if not there are plenty of photos and videos to look at.
So far the stats are: 63 visitors in total from 15 different countries.
The USA is in the lead with 21 visitors followed by Canada with 17.
There were 12 visitors from the EU, followed by South America with 8, 4 of them being from Argentina.
Australia and Asia both had 2 visitors.
188 people have looked at my profile since the beginning of the blog.

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