Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Uncle Sam died

My uncle Sam died on Friday & the funeral was this morning in High River. 95 years old is quite an accomplishment & his life should be celebrated. Although not related by blood, his longevity is an inspiration to me as I am half-way there!
There was a really nice service for him in the town community hall with several hundred in attendance. Son James' eulogy was excellent, a beautiful tribute.
Mom wanted to go to the cemetary for the graveside service so we took Belf Quon who was an honorary pallbearer & another hp with us. It was freezing cold standing in the cemetary in the pouring rain. I'm glad I had a raincoat on since I no longer own an umbrella.I have never been to a graveside service before. I guess having one gives the family a sense of closure. Maybe more so than being handed a box of ashes.
It is interesting to see the circle of life. As Uncle Sam departs, his descendants carry on, new ones being born every year. There is a family wedding next Saturday which will be a joyful event, but still with a tinge of sadness at the recent passing of their father & grandfather & great grandfather.

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