Tuesday, October 17, 2006

a skiff of snow this morning, chilly brrrr

There was a pile-up on the icy Calf Robe Bridge on Deerfoot last night involving over 90 vehicles. They closed the freeway and brought in city transit buses to keep the people involved in the crash warm while they sorted it out all out.
The auto body shops must be jumping for joy. I think insurance companies should demand better driving skills & tires from their customers.
This morning as I drove over the same bridge where the pile-up was last night, I was briefly stuck behind a body shop loaner Sentra (someone who has already had a recent accident) doing 50 km/h in the fast lane because she was seemingly so terrified of the wet surface on the bridge. Everyone else was slowing down to 95 which was more sensible. Doing 50 in the fast lane is going to cause an accident as well as make your fellow commuters late. I arrived in Bridgeland right on time, but the rest of the morning I was late for everything.

re: letter to the editor Monday
Can you believe it? The National Post printed letters to the editor with more important topics than mine! I had an email from the Post letters editor last night saying they were considering using my letter, but alas I remain unpublished in the Post for now...

Tuesday afternoon:
the sun is shining, the snow is melting...

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