Friday, October 06, 2006

got gas?

Yesterday the gas company started to dismantle the fence & the electrical outlets (for our car block heaters) between our parking lot & 68 avenue. I asked one of the workers why they were taking it down. He said they had to do some more digging. Then I asked if they would be putting it back up, & he said he doubted it.
Today they were back digging their hole to China & removing the fence posts, & you know how you are supposed to call before you dig so you don't hit any utilities? Well I guess the gas company forgot to call themselves & they hit a gas line. Although the air smelled of that smelling agent they add to natural gas, they didn't bother evacuating us or telling us we would have no heat or hot water until who knows when?
The reason I know the gas was off was one of my elderly neighbours (the one who thinks my iPod is a heart monitor) phoned me to tell me the dryer had no heat so she phoned the laundromat company. So I asked her, what if it isn't the dryer, but what if it is the gas? Well she hadn't thought of that & quite frankly she didn't care because they just raised the rates to $1.75 a load so they should make a service call.
I told her she should call the gas company emergency number. I wasn't all that interested in phoning because she has an uncanny ability to phone when I'm eating. Ok so that is most of the the time I guess. She said she would call the emergency number so what is it? I said its in the phone book. She said she didn't have a phone book which is old lady code for I can't find my reading glasses sonny & the print is too small to read!

I just had angry neighbour knock at my door as I was settling into being the LazyBoy with pizza. Yes, eating again. He has been running cold water for an hour because he wants a shower when he comes home & for the price he pays for condos fees why wasn't I over there providing hot water for his shower. I said I'm not the God of Hot Water; I said phone the property management company, phone the gas company emergency line. He told me I should have put up notices warning people there is no heat or hot water. I said yes the gas company should have done that, its their fault, it has nothing to do with me. I said I wanted a shower too as I had been out biking, so I was just as inconvenienced as he was.
Hopefully I ended up guilting him in to running for the condo board next year.
I should quit, but then things would be in a mess. :-))
I had one of the old English widow neighbours phone me the other day. They must all think I have call display because they just start talking when I say hello & they never identify themselves until I ask them who are you? Anyways, she said I must go out & rescue a bird caught in the fence. I said why can't you rescue it? She said oh no its a job for a man (& a giant leap for mankind!).
I went out & looked for the bird. I never did find it. Did the hawk get it, or did it fly away on its own the second the old lady had her back turned?
Some of the gas company trucks have left for the night, but the rest of the crew are still out there drilling to China. When the noise stops, it will feel like I have stopped banging my head against the wall. Our plumbers just finished turning on the boilers for hot water heat & the hot water tanks for hot showers, so long as angry neighbours & old lady neighbours don't all try to take a shower at the same time, there should be hot water within the hour. I should tell them they have to share the shower with a neighbour. They wouldn't laugh.
The forecast is for rain turning to snow tonight so we will need heat. This might be the end to my garden, or not.

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