Wednesday, October 11, 2006

its a small world after all

I was at a very interesting talk/slide show on Burmese child refugees at Owl's Nest Books tonight given by Allie. She worked at a school on the Thai-Myanmar border in 2004 as part of the Eastern Townships Myanmar project with Bishop's University.
Allie is just back from Croatia, Hungary, Czech Republic & Slovenia. Now she is off to Castlegar B.C. to work for Katimavik, the federal government youth program.
There was a lady in the audience, who I have met before, she is married to Graham who lived next door to me when I was 12 - 16 years old in Mount Royal Quebec & has lived in Calgary almost as long as I have.
Anyways she was telling me that she was just in London Ontario visiting Graham's sister Barbara. Graham was a couple of years older than me & Barbara was a year younger. They were in the Catholic school system & I was in the Protestant, but we were friendly because we were next door neighbours.
So Barbara suggested to Penny & Graham that they go across the street to Peter B.'s for drinks.
Peter lived across the street from Barbara & me in TMR! Now he lives in London, as do lots of former Montrealers apparently, where he is a successful psychologist on his second marriage. And he has white hair. Haha!
I wondered whatever became of Peter as I wonder what happened to my other classmates since the diaspora. I don't really get to do the high scool reunion thing with them because I went to grades 8,9 & 10 in Quebec & then grades 12 & 13 in Ontario at a private school.
Penny says the ones in the east have forgotten about the ones who went west, but Peter remembered me of course!

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