Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The Bridges

I had an appointment in the Bridges in Bridgeland this morning so I took a couple of pictures from where I parked the car.
The first picture shows where the Calgary General Hospital was until it was blown up by the government in act of state terrorism in 1998 in order to instill fear in the local populace by Dear Leader Ralph so we would be afraid to get sick or injured in our glorious pursuit of being debt free. Now we are debt free because of Dear Leader (and rat free too, but not because of Ralph!).
The wall in the middle of the lawn in the picture
commemorates the former hospital.
Behind the wall are several new condo developments along Centre Avenue E. and there is a new Starbucks of course!
In the sky is a chinook arch which means it is a balmy breezy day here.
I looked at a condo show home here 2 years ago. I thought it was overpriced at $379,000, but now they are going for close to $900,000.

The second photo shows the view from the Bridges towards downtown. Posted by Picasa

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