Wednesday, October 04, 2006

never break the chain - Fleetwood Mac song on the radio today

I felt sorry for the cashier at Safeway yesterday because she was so sick. I know it is miserable to be at work & feel that way. She was beyond using Kleenex to cover her cough & sneeezing & nose blowing. She had a roll of paper towels to use! Bounty I think! The quicker picker-upper!
I'm sure cold germs were spraying all over the store. When I got to Mom's with her groceries, Norma found me a bottle of sterilizer gel to at least douse my hands with.
All day today, I kept asking myself, is that a tickle in my throat? Did I "catch" something yesterday?
I have been taking grapefruit seed extract & neem & vitamins B&C & zinc & antioxidants & eye of newt just in case.
It also irks me that someone that sick is allowed to work & infect how many customers & co-workers. I know with the labour shortage everyone has to show up at work whether they have a pulse or not, but still, send the girl home!
Speaking of the labour shortage, it is beginning to feel like we're living in the Soviet Union having to line up to buy things. At least we have better restaurants than they had.
Harvey's had a sign saying they are now only open 11 am to 7 pm "due to the labour shortage".
I went to Taco Time today & their drive-through was closed "due to the labour shortage".
Wendy's has a sign up saying they are now closing at midnight instead of 2 am "due to the labour shortage".
Fast food has become slow food. It would be no problem getting more immigrants to fill jobs here, but since there is no where for them to live, forget it.

I was glad I was at Mom's when the window guys showed up to measure. They refused to say how long it would take to replace 2 windows, but did say they should be done in less than a year!

I got a new & improved chain put on my bike at Bow Cycle this afternoon. I went for a ride around the reservoir to test it out & it seems to work much better than the previous one. Bow Cycle doesn't seem to have a labour shortage & I received great service, & also at Big 4 Motors where I took the Cirrus today.

I took Mom to the doctor this morning & the doctor told her she has a heart condition & referred her to a specialist. I think if your heart is beating at the age of 92, you should count your blessings & not skip a beat.

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