Thursday, October 19, 2006

GE5 open house

GE5 = Glenmore/Elbow/5 street $110 million interchange being built a block from my place.
Thursday evening I went to the City of Calgary open house at the Christopher Robin school.I have missed every previous one they have held, so I thought I should go see what's up. This was the one I should have missed as it dealt with the sound barrier and landscaping for the north side of Glenmore.
At least I got to meet Howard with whom I have been dealing with on the phone. It is always nice to put a face to the name. I asked him a bunch of questions and he showed me the plans and drawings. There will be a ped/bike path parallel to Glenmore along the sound-barrier wall. Also the ped bridge across Glenmore I used to use will be rebuilt by summer 2007.
Friend's of A's who live in Mayfair were at the open house. Their last house was demolished to make way for the temporary road. They found a new home in the neighbourhood.
The construction should be finished by spring 2007 as they are ahead of schedule. Landscaping and final touches should be done by 2008.
They are finally starting on the new sidewalk out front. The old sidewalks disappeared in July so it has been a long wait. They still have lots more to do after the sidewalks are put in, so I haven't heard the last of the construction noise yet.

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