Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The City admitted it made a mistake!!!

Traffic circle coming down
The City of Calgary has admitted it made a mistake at Lansdowne Avenue and Elbow Drive S.W.
A change in traffic flow at that location lasted less than a week.
It may have been one of the shortest traffic experiments the city has ever attempted.
Just a few days after the trial period began crews were taking apart the temporary traffic circle at Lansdowne Avenue and Elbow Drive on Tuesday.
Ward 11 Alderman Barry Erskine says the experimental realignment only worked one way.
“The a.m. peak was just a dream everybody got through very quickly. No one had to wait more than one light. It worked really well. The p.m. peak was absolutely hell,” said Alderman Barry Erskine, Ward 11.
The city's Director of Transportation Planning says it wasn't an expensive experiment.
Alex Broda says he doesn't have any regrets about giving the traffic circle on Elbow Drive a try.
Broda says the idea of a traffic circle at Lansdowne and Elbow isn't dead, because its still an option.
“We're still going to go ahead and look at the options on how to make that area work better, Elbow Drive work better, and that will be done down in a more planned community engaged way of doing things,” Alex Broda.
City council will be debating more changes to Elbow Drive during the next budget session.
Broda says some could be implemented in 2008.

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