Saturday, September 30, 2006

Am I the weakest link?

I went out with the Africa Girls for Thai food last night. Sqrly couldn't join us as she was busy getting ready for Mexico. We went to Ruan Thai on 11 ave s.w. which is always good. The Rose Garden on the mall is good too. In fact I don't think I have ever met a Thai restaurant I didn't like.
We had stuffed chicken wings, spring rolls & chicken sate to start. Then we dove into pad thai, penang shrimp curry, yellow curry chicken, mixed veggies & chicken with cashews. Of course lots of coconut rice too.
After a few mouthfuls of Thai food, I went out night riding with the Mudrider. We had 2&1/2 hours of fun. The only downside I can think of to nightriding are the spider webs my face encounters as I hurtle through the woods in the blackness of night. I can't say where we were as that would incriminate us.
Then my chain snapped. Miles from home. The chainbreaker couldn't remove the broken link so the Mudrider biked back to my place, picked up his vehicle, & came back to get me & the bike. No one will want to go riding with me now if they know that my bike will break (or I will break) & they will be expected to come get me! I'm glad the chain didn't snap earlier in the night when we were lost in the wilderness & couldn't find our way out of the labyrinth. Are bears nocturnal?
It was 1 am when I got home & I realized I didn't have my helmet so I drove all the way over to where the bike broke to look in the darkness for my helmet which I guess I should have left on my head. Once I got back there, it only took a couple of minutes to find the helmet lying in some tall grass. I also lost a red LED light, but that was easy to find since it was flashing. I'm not used to going to bed after 3 am!

I won tickets to see Little Miss Sunshine in August & we finally went to see it today. Of course in the meantime I lost one of the free passes so I had to buy another ticket. The movie was ok. I laughed. I am glad my family isn't nearly as dysfunctional as the family in the movie was! Never having had grandparents, I couldn't imagine having a porn loving grandpa who got kicked out of the senior's home for snorting heroin! I haven't see Alan Arkin in a movie since I don't know when - the Russians Are Coming the Russians Are Coming maybe?
Steve Carell is very funny. That whole child beauty pageant Jon Benet Ramsay thing is sicko.

For dinner tonight we were going to stay in our quarter chicken-dark-baked potato-whole wheat bun rut at Swiss Chalet, but instead we went to EDO for terriyaki chicken & then a stop at My Favourite Ice Cream Shoppe on the way home which I said no to. I can't drive & handle ice cream at the same time.
Saturday evening was spent celebrating Shelley-Angel's birthday. We had Two-Bite brownies, whipped cream with whiskey & oats?, strawberries, chocolate sauce & a Dairy Queen log ice cream cake. I am never telling the people at the gym about this blog!

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