Sunday, February 04, 2007

Weekly Horoscope: Sunday, February 4, 2007

All signs:
It's been said maturity is accepting your limitations and functioning to the best of your ability within those limitations. This week the Sun opposes Saturn making us feel imposed upon by limitations and restrictions. Oy! We could feel lonely and cut off from each other. (Ah, the yawning abyss!) Duty before pleasure -- the works. But all is not lost. Another influence will bring each of us surprise goodies, unexpected good luck and splendid opportunities! It's a mixed bag. But ya know? I like a mixed bag. Monotony is a drag. It's fun to page yourself over the intercom and not disguise your voice. Or park by the side of the road holding a hair dryer out the window - ha! (Works every time.) As Dorothy Parker noted, "The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."
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