Sunday, March 11, 2007

Weekly Horoscope: Sunday, March 11, 2007

All Signs:
For centuries, astrologers made predictions on Jupiter/Saturn cycles (especially conjunctions.) This week Jupiter and Saturn eye each other at a perfect 120 degrees. The last time this happened in Fire Signs (as they are now) was Nov. 1987. Similar opportunities are once again at hand! However, in 1987, Jupiter was in Aries, and Saturn was in Sagittarius; whereas now Jupiter is in Sagittarius and Saturn is in Leo. (Details!) Essentially, these two powerful planets are pulling together and supporting each other's activities. This means we can move forward to develop what we want to do. It's like wanting to buy something - and voila! It's on sale and we have the money! Omigawd ? it all works. Preparation meets opportunity. Cogito ergo spud. I think, therefore, I yam.
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