Wednesday, February 28, 2007

the 3rd snowiest February on record in Calgary

I love snow
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bright sign on a dull day

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big fluffly flakes

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the blue steeple people

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homeless shelter

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sculpture at Confederation Park

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Here is today's heartfelt blessing:

Nothing is going to spoil this moment...Imagine making that decision: nothing's going to spoil this moment. Now, imagine making that decision about a relationship, job, day in the week, or...whatever.
Imagine applying that idea uniformly in your life." --

Neale Donald Walsch,
author of Conversations with God.

is the pink lady having a pink lady?

the blog is off to Thailand without me today. I once had a boss who thought it was pronounced "Thighland". She was right, we didn't argue with her. It took awhile, but she got fired. Posted by Picasa

I don't know all the names...

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at Grandfather and Grandmother Rocks

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mother and daughter

Shelley from Calgary and Emily from India
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Shelley in Thailand

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Pearce Estate Park

sorry the French is cut off in the photo
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b&w & yellow snow

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mallard mania

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2 drowning seasons: with or without ice

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Mack's Ballerina

sorry, its a dumb in-joke
it s/b Max Bell Arena
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mallards in the mist

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There's a bike courier doooon!

I repeat. A bike courier doon.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Shelli gets beamed up by Scotty in Vulcan

or was it she got beaned by a biscotti ?

Weekly Horoscope: Sunday, February 25, 2007

All Signs:
About every 36 years, Saturn opposes Neptune (most recently 1936-37 & 1971-72) and now. (Hey - these guys have so little in common, they don't even like to be in the same address book!) Saturn rules definitions, limitations, and obstacles. The real world. Neptune is Utopia, the ideal, everything that's fuzzy and wonderful but illusory. Neptune is the Muse: Saturn is Jack Web: "Just the facts, Ma'am." (Do take care of your health. This transit promotes flu outbreaks.) Furthermore, when these planets get together, we tend to beat ourselves up about our shortcomings. We feel like failures. ("Take two, they're small.") This reminds me of an old lover (he was younger then) who whenever I moaned, "I feel like a failure!" would always reply, "Will I do?"
Copyright © 2003-2007 Georgia Nicols. All Rights Reserved.

Shelli doin' voodoo in the hoodoos