Wednesday, January 03, 2007

a low point in daytime television...

If the Fonz jumped the shark many years ago on Happy Days, then Dr. Phil does belly flops daily. Is Dr. Phil the dumbest show on TV? Or is it Maury?
Yesterday, on Dr. Phil, the audience actually whooped and hollered and cheered and applauded because a woman on the stage was able to click a mouse and open Internet Explorer all by herself (with verbal instructions)!
I was surprised the audience didn't give her a standing ovation for such an outstanding accomplishment, but I guess they save that for more important episodes like when the heroin addicted twin girls stop hooking.
Frankly I have had my phil of Dr. Phil as well as Oprah (the worst interviewer on TV ever, sure she does good deeds, but it is all about her), and the far too perky Rachel Ray.
Judge Judy is too smart for the sea slugs who appear before her so it isn't really a fair slaughter as they don't have a chance matching wits with her.
I don't know, should I watch the Young and the Useless instead and let my remaining brain cells turn to mush? Maybe I should find the off button on the remote?

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