Saturday, December 02, 2006

old post office, 9 avenue & 1 st sw

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This is an interesting project because they didn't tear down the old post office, they are adding more floors to the existing structure. There will be a second tower built on the 10 Avenue side as well as a train station for Canadian Pacific Railroad for their chartered train trips through the Rockies.
Calgary is the largest city in the world without scheduled passenger train service.
Passenger train service and the army base were taken away from Calgary because of Calgarians' stubborn refusal to vote for the natural ruling party of Canada, the Liberal Party of Canada.
There is no main downtown post office now either. Good luck finding a mailbox.
For about the past year, the Liberals have been out of power and the Conservatives in, albeit with a shaky minority government, so maybe the tables have turned.
The Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, (not a lawyer or a multi-millionaire) represents the riding of Calgary Southwest in Parliament, which is a refreshing change from the usual slimy multi-millionaire Montreal lawyers we have been stuck with for most of the last 30 years or so.
With Steve (temporarily) in charge, we will hopefully at least get equal treatment from the feds, although our representation in the House of Commons and the Senate is far less than the size of our population warrants compared to over-represented Quebec, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland and Labrador which are all either stagnant or losing residents to the Alberta economic magnet.

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