Thursday, November 09, 2006

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I have been to the Majorville medicine wheel 3 times as well as to the Sundial medicine wheel east of Carmangay 3 times. They are very sacred sites and still in use so I don't disturb anything. I just observe and take pictures. The First Nations People leave tobacco and bits of cloth at the central cairn.
It is always windy at both medicine wheels. The view is to infinity in all directions, there are no trees anywhere to block the view or to take shelter from the wind.
To get to the hill where the medicine wheel is located means driving for 21 kms on a 2 track trail which requires a high clearance 4 wheel drive vehicle. There are always muddy areas, and the tall grass between the 2 tracks is dangerous in a low car because of rocks and holes. There is no sign of habitation for miles in any direction so good luck if you get stuck or lost. Majorville is neither major nor a ville. I'm not sure if there would be cell phone reception. If it wasn't for the constantly howling wind, the silence would be overwhelming. The nearest settlement is at Bow City which is not even a hamlet much less a city. It does have the only bridge over the Bow river in this section of the river as well as a campground and a couple of houses.
To stand on top of the medicine wheel hill and realize that people have been coming here for sacred reasons for at least 4,500 years is an incredible feeling. Imagine what it was like gazing down at enormous herds of bison on the never ending plains.

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