Friday, November 03, 2006

an angel in mission

This morning I took Mom to get a flu shot at her doctor's office in the Mission district. I dropped her off and then drove to a cash machine at Mac's to get her some money for the weekend. When I got back to the medical building, there was a parking spot right out front which was perfect. I checked the parking meter to see if there was any time remaining but there wasn't. Knowing that a flu shot wouldn't take long, I didn't want to put money in the meter because I presumed she would be out soon and we would be on our way.
After standing on the sidewalk looking out for the meter man for a long while, my feet began to get cold and it was snowing lightly so I went into the lobby of the building to wait. The building is set back from the street and the main floor is several steps lower than the sidewalk. I watched the pedestrians go by and held the door for all the people going in and out of the building.
Still no sign of Mom nor of the meter man, and I'm sure that Mom will step off the elevator at any moment, so why waste my change feeding the meter?
A young lady, early twenties, comes walking along, stops, looks at the empty parking meter, looks at my car, opens her purse, puts a quarter in the meter and resumes walking!
I was so astonished, I didn't do anything. I could have run after her, given back her quarter and thanked her and asked her why she did such a nice thing for a stranger, but I didn't.
Eventually her quarter ran out of time and I was still waiting for Mom.

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