Wednesday, May 09, 2007

"inappropriate" picture

a manager-type came over to me and asked me what I was doing. I said I was taking pictures and he said that was totally inappropriate and I had no right to take pictures of the outside of his establishment or of his customers. What is their policy about customers taking photos of each other inside the place?
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Anonymous said...

hello there, long time not drop by.... sorry, :P

what a weirdo manager i think.... moron maybe?

James said...

LOL! Yes moron, but also wanting to protect his bad customers who are probably cheating on their partners and therefore don't want photographic evidence. Maybe they thought I was a private detective? I wanted to take the "manager's" picture, but then he would have been really mad! I don't want confrontations, I just want to be able to take pictures peacefully...
Thnaks for your comment Madnilk.