Monday, May 14, 2007

"Art From The Heart" Sarcee Rotary Club

Judy Carter
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Anonymous said...

wow.. are you one of their member, james?

sound cool biding on art

James said...

Yes, I just joined about a month ago. I am enjoying it. They are a good but small club and they raise a phenomenal amount of money to help children both locally and internationally.
Thanks for having a look at my blog Madnilk.
This weekend I am volunteering at an art exhibit downtown so stay tuned for more photos!

Anonymous said...

glad to hear it from you, raise money for charity cannot be taken size as a comparison, really!!

nuh, actually thanks to you that i found another blog to be read and watch good picture, honestly!!

I event have an astro base blog within my favor list, which firstly look kind of dull and where people might said it wont go far better. They never know that that blog reach more traffic than i does!!

really, another exhibition... I just can't wait for the picture!!