Sunday, December 31, 2006

Virgo for 2007 (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)

In many ways, 2007 is a fabulous year. That's because both Saturn and Jupiter are working together. Sometimes the challenges of Saturn are a bummer, but this year, Jupiter is along to pick up the slack and help you out. Here's the skinny: without question, this is a tough time for you. You're in the midst of giving up people, places and possessions. Things are uncertain. You don't have a warm feeling in your tummy. The good news is as the year progresses, Jupiter will give you the support where it counts most: home, family and your private life. Jupiter will enrich your domestic scene. 2007 is the best time in over a decade for you to invest in real estate, or buy anything for your home and family. When things are good at home, it's easier to face the fierce world outside.

Copyright © 2003-2006 Georgia Nicols. All Rights Reserved.

Happy 2007!

let's envision a year of peace, prosperity, and freedom for all

Thursday, December 28, 2006